Saturday, December 5, 2009

Tillamook at Christmas Time

I think everyone is aware of the Fisher families LOVE for the Tillamook Cheese Factory. The week of Thanksgiving all of the kids got sick and we were stuck home all week. We all got a bit stir crazy. So the day after Thanksgiving we decided to take a little trip to Tillamook. It was so fun because they had it decorated for Christmas. It doesn't matter how many times we go, it's always like the first time. We hit the sample line twice, got ice cream, purchased our regulars and wandered around for a while. If you haven't been, I highly suggest you go! YUM!!!
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Wednesday, November 4, 2009

So it's been a while...what?

I know its' been forever and 16 days since I last posted. I decided that I really don't care much for keeping up a blog. It feels kinda weird assuming people want to read and see what you are up to!

Life has been really busy over the past month or so. Jake is always busy with work, school and church responsibilities. I myself am not working with the young women in our church anymore. I LOVED that calling, but it was my time to move on. I have kept busy helping out in many capacities at the kids school, working and hanging out with my sister. I can't even begin to tell you how happy I am that she is back. In fact, I am waiting for her to come get me so we can go for a walk! I love her (even though she posts on her blog that I am a crazy cat lady :)!

Jake's Grandpa passed away last week. We made the trip to Boise for the funeral. We left Thursday morning and came back Friday night. The kids handled it all really well, even the car ride! It was a sad occasion, but it was good to see Fisher clan.

I will post a few pics here and will really truly try to keep my 365 blog updated as best as I can!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Some Pics From the Summer

I thought I would post some random we go...

This picture below is of some of my nieces (and Ellie of coarse). Amber is holding Annah...Sariah is standing in the middle and Ellie is holding Lucy. These are some pretty girls if I do say so myself!
My brother, Daren, was recently made Bishop over his ward (congregation) in our church. He is such a genuinely selfless person. I love him!

This is Henry and his cousin Cooper. They are such great pals!
I went in to check on the kids (they were watching a movie in my room) and found this cute little scene.
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Monday, July 6, 2009

Just a quick note

Just wanted to apologize to my million's of readers out there...I have thought about you every mean the world to me and I can't help but think of your sorrow each time you open my blog and see nothing new. I will be back! We have been on vacation in Utah and wont be home for another 4 1/2 days. Can you wait until then? If not, please let me know via comment and I will see what I can do.


yours truly,

BFF's 4-ever,

Mama Cass (aka) Rachelle

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Wunder...Wunderland...I Want To Go To Wunderland!

My sister-in-law Jenell called me the other day to see if we wanted to go to Wunderland. Wunderland is a nickle arcade. We decided to be insane and take our total of 7 kids (1 was my great-niece). We actually had a pretty event less, fun time. We got there early so we headed down to the library. Behind the library is a little creek where there are ducks and even some creepy looking nutria. The kids had fun running around. Jenell took some graham crackers out of her car and the kids feed the ducks while we were waiting for noon to roll around.

Here are some pics of Jenell concentrating on her motorcycle game. Sawyer is having a blast! Go Jenell!

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Saturday, June 20, 2009

Happy Birthday Charlie Marvin!

I can't believe my baby turned 6! Was it seriously 6 years ago that I held my sweet newborn baby Charlie in my arms? My baby who didn't cry for the first 2 days of his life? He has sure made up for the 2 days though...

All Charlie wanted for his birthday was a BIG squirt gun. When we asked him if there was anything else, he told me "No...other people will get me things."

So here he is getting his BIG squirt gun. It ended up being 2 medium sized ones. Unfortunately my big 6 year old doesn't have the muscle strength it takes to get the trigger down all of the way :-( He just uses the little cheapy ones he got from Henry and is more than happy with those!

For Charlies b-day, we had a very casual get together with friends and family. We had it at what Charlie calls the Pirate Ship park. There is a play structure there that is shaped like a pirate ship. Charlie has had plans for a party for MONTHS! Once everyone got there he sat the guests down and went over the hitting, no kicking, no punching...then he went over his, duck goose, limbo, freeze tag and the egg game. Now, this egg game thing has been something we have been discussing for at least 6 months. I guess it's something they did in school, except with plastic eggs. It's just your basic egg on spoon relay race. However, Charlie's version is that you don't run, and it's not a race. So basically the kids just walked back and forth with their eggs on their spoons, trying not to drop them. It was a fun little evening.

p.s. Charlie decorated his own b-day cake...that was part of his "plans"

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Sunday, June 14, 2009

Art Show

Ellie hosted an art show this afternoon. She took the boys out back with some watercolors and put them to work. Here they are displaying their best pieces (notice she wrote the "title" on each of them). She wanted me to come out and judge them. On a scale of 1-10, I gave them each a 10.5! Henry got the extra .5 for his use of color and Charlie got his .5 for the display of action taking place in his work (it's an erupting volcano).
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Friday, June 12, 2009

Here's a link to my 365 project blog.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Schools Out!!!

Schools the heck did that happen...honestly!? Each of the kids had something special to help them celebrate their move onto the next grade.

Henry...onto 2nd grade
Henry's class was supposed to walk up to the park and then come back for Root Beer floats. Well, of coarse it had to rain. We ended up staying inside and playing. The kids still got to enjoy their Root Beer floats. I had 2 spilled on me. Well, not directly on me, but splashed on me. This is a pic of Henry and his teacher, Mrs. Hess. I LOVE HER!!!! She is amazing! She is one of those people born to teach. I am keeping my fingers crossed that Charlie gets into her class next year!

Ellie...onto 5th grade (what?)
The 4th graders got to go to Bullwinkles for their end of the year celebration. In the past, 5th grade has been at Kraxberger Middle School, so a big 4th grade celebration has always been a tradition. However, next year, they will be keeping the 5th graders at the grade school. Ellie is a bit sad, but I am happy to keep her there as long as possible. She's just my baby girl still!

Charlie...onto 1st grade
The Kindergartners do this program called the Flight Into First Grade. It's a cute little program with some special stuff going on! They perform a few songs they have learned in class...all in sign language. One of them is What a Wonderful World...I love that song and it makes me cry every time I hear it. Especially when this cute little pixie is smiling at you the whole time he is doing his attempted sign language. The last song they do is I believe I can fly (sweet). This one is not signed, but they put these wings on that they painted and then during the chorus they fly towards their parents. Hello tears! My baby is growing up :(

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Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Kid Catchers

Both Henry and Ellie had chances this past week to play catcher. I think this is when they look the cutest! Henry got SO sweaty underneath all of his gear and he said that after a while, he felt like he had no legs. Ellie did really well, but wasn't too sure about all of the gear. It was fun to watch both of them...
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My Life in Pictures...

So I have started one of those "Project 365" blogs. It's a blog where you post 1 picture a day for 365 days. Big moments or little moments...random items or random children...whatever. It's a way for you to go back and look at not only the big and exciting things you've accomplished, but also the little and sometimes forgotten things. I will have to become a daily picture taker, which could get crazy, but I'm going to is the link

I will figure out how to get the link on the side of my blog page...

Okay, good luck to myself...

p.s. I just realized that my 1st day post was done just a few minutes past midnight, but that doesn't count as today does it?

Friday, June 5, 2009


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Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Memorial Day Fun

Today was a great day. We had the privilege of having Craig and Jenell's kids come spend part of the day with us. Even little Avarie. She didn't make it too long and then she was ready to go home. But she had a lot of fun and was so happy for the first hour or so.

Jakes' parent came over about 11:30am and we had some of KFC's new grilled chicken...and of coarse their mac-n-cheese. Then, as Grandma's and Grandpa's do, they took all of the kids to the park (I am including Jake as a kid). :-} Jenell picked the kids up from the park and she was heading to a birthday party for her niece up in Battleground.

Next, Jake's parents took the Fisher kids to see the new Night at the Museum movie. I was a bit jealous, because I've been wanting to go see it. But instead, we went shopping for new flip flops and got some syrups for our Italian Soda's we were wanting to make. IT is always nice to have alone time!

The conclusion of our night was a BBQ at our house with some of our dearest friends...the Mouritsens and the Adams. We grilled hot dogs, hamburgers and one lonely Gardenburger. There was an abundance of pop and VERY yummy Italian sodas for the making. Everyone brought a side dish to share. Liz brought twice back potatoes, Tassie brought the infamous artichoke spinach dip and I made a MASSIVE pasta was large! Jake played a jump rope game with the kids. They were trying to see if they could get everyone in there and actually all jump over it at the same time.They did pretty awesome!

I was kinda sad for the night to end. It was a GREAT day! I hope everyone else enjoyed their day!
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Saturday, May 23, 2009

Junior Slugger!

I've never been a huge fan of baseball, but Henry really wanted to play this year. We have been trying to get Henry to play any sort of sport for quite some time now. We were VERY excited that he was ready to take that step. After seeing Henry in his uniform, I am now a HUGE fan of baseball. How can you NOT love the sport after seeing a whole bunch of 7 year olds in baseball caps and pants pulled up to their chins. Anyway, I just wanted to post some pics of him looking all cute and stuff. He still has lots of games to play this season if anyone wants to come...let me know!
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Friday, May 22, 2009

Mullets and Fangs

My sister made a comment that she was having flashbacks of me while looking at Ellie's softball pictures. She said she remembered mullets and fangs...she remembered correctly.
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Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Our Softball Player

This year, Ellie decided she wanted to play softball. However, to my dismay, she also wanted to quit dance. I told her that she could take a year off of dance and see if she really likes softball. Softball takes up A LOT of time. So far she is enjoying it. I think it helps to have your dad as your coach. Although Jake has no experience with softball, the league was short a coach and informed us that if a parent didn't step up as coach, they would have to disband the team. Well, of coarse we wanted Ellie to be able to play, so Jake volunteered. It's been a learning experience for all of us. The Gladstone Bulldogs play their 3rd game tonight. They are undefeated so far! GO BULLDOGS!

p.s. I think I have her convinced that she needs to dance again next year :)
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Sunday, May 3, 2009

Charlie's Owie!

Poor Charlie Buckets! Charlie was playing with his brother and cousin yesterday and ended up with a hole in the top of his head (it's such a hard thing to involved a bike trailer pole). Charlie has a huge doctor phobia, so a trip to the emergency room was VERY dramatic! He screamed at the top of his lungs the whole time, but was as happy as a clam when he and Jake came walking out of the ER. They had given him a little homemade bear. You can see him sleeping with it in the middle picture. It's made out of Crayola Crayon fabric and has a face drawn on with a Sharpie! He loved it SO much! He named it Spot Crayon Fisher. I wish I could tell who ever made it that it helped this little boy feel better. When he woke up this morning, he immediately sat up and asked me where Spot was

It was really hard to get a good picture of the owie. But you can at least see how lovely his blood matted hair looks! It only required 2 stitches but it was VERY deep.

Charlie sleeping with Spot Crayon Fisher

I took this picture of Charlie today. I told him to show me how sad he was yesterday...I like this kind of sad!
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Sunday, April 26, 2009

Wicked Weekend

My sister has been obsessed with the musical "Wicked" for a while now. She and a group of friends traveled from Utah to L.A. to see it last year. She is constantly singing all of the songs from the soundtrack and was determined to get me to like it. Her opportunity arrived when it was traveling through Portland. Heather wanted to go see this with Annah and Megan (her two daughters) and since Megan lives here in Oregon, she thought it would be fun to fly here and all of us go see it. We just weren't sure it was going to happen and then one day Brad (Heather's husband) called me. I can always tell when Brad is working up a plan. He probably called me about 4 times within a couple of hours and just kept asking me about dates of the show and if was I planning on going...just questions like that. Next call I get from him, he tells me that he has booked a flight for Annah and Heather and bought tickets for all of us to go to the show!

Let me explain the picture above...
I really enjoy giving my sister a hard time about her love for Wicked. The songs she would play for me all sounded SO cheesy. I guess I've never been big on musicals. Anyway, when I picked her up at the airport, I wore my witches hat a played "No One Mourns the Wicked" really loudly on the stereo. I got out to help her get her luggage out of the car and cackled a few times.

While Heather was here, we decided to get all of the sis-in-laws together. Miriam, Sariah and Amber came up from Eugene and we all went to Changs. YUMMY!!! Actually, Heather and I got together with Megan and her boyfriend Justin the night before at Changs...2 days of Changs is a good thing! Anyway, it was a lot of fun to hang out just us girls!

We went to see Wicked at the Keller Auditorium. Across from the building is this gorgeous fountain. We decided to take advantage of the clear weather and take some pictures.

I really did enjoy the show! It was fun to see Glenda (the gu is silent (: ) and the "wicked" witch, from that point of view! The production itself was amazing...the acting was great...and all in all, I enjoyed myself! However, I will still give my sister a hard time about her obsession...that's what I do!
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Thursday, April 9, 2009

What was I?

So I found this picture the other day...I really don't know how I feel about it! What am I wearing? I remember that it was during my Depeche Mode days...I wore a lot of black and white. I'm thinking this was my freshman year in high school. So probably about 1990. The coat was my sisters and I thought it was so fashionable and awesome. Oh, and I absolutely LOVED my clear cube necklace...

As far as the bedroom Depeche Mode poster above the bed...George Harrison doll on the dresser...piano in my room?...collages made from awesome things cut out of magazines...a glossy photo of Pee Wee Herman...ballet/dance posters...Simpson's poster above the piano! I love it!

Monday, April 6, 2009

What is This Large Heat Producing Orb in the Sky?

I guess it's called the sun...

Going from the low 50's and rain to mid 70's and sun sounds great...but I guess I wasn't ready for it! I love the sun...I hate the heat! I realize that the mid 70's are not "hot"...but when the weather has been nothing but rain, hail, wind and more rain, the jump in temp can surprise a heat challenged person!

I live in Oregon. I am a native Oregonian through and through...I recycle, I buy local cheese :), I am a Blazer's fan, I wear Birkenstock's, I LOVE rain and mid 60's temp, I love the gentle sun...I DON'T love the HEAT! Maybe I would fair better in Seattle!

The sun, however, did provide some entertainment for the kids on their day off of school. Ellie and Henry went to a neighbors to do the whole sprinkler under the trampoline thing. Charlie wanted to go SO bad, but they don't have an enclosure and those who know Chuck, know that slippery surfaces and Charlie don't mix. I decided to let him put our sprinkler in the grass. The kids keep talking about how HOT it is! If they only lived in New Mexico with their cousins... You know what though? It's supposed to be back in the mid 50's by Wednesday...I love Oregon!

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Thursday, April 2, 2009

A Little Eye Candy For You!!!

1986...Age:10...Height:5'1"...Weight:80lbs...Team:Yellow Jackets...Position:AWESOME!!!
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