Let me explain the picture above...
I really enjoy giving my sister a hard time about her love for Wicked. The songs she would play for me all sounded SO cheesy. I guess I've never been big on musicals. Anyway, when I picked her up at the airport, I wore my witches hat a played "No One Mourns the Wicked" really loudly on the stereo. I got out to help her get her luggage out of the car and cackled a few times.

While Heather was here, we decided to get all of the sis-in-laws together. Miriam, Sariah and Amber came up from Eugene and we all went to Changs. YUMMY!!! Actually, Heather and I got together with Megan and her boyfriend Justin the night before at Changs...2 days of Changs is a good thing! Anyway, it was a lot of fun to hang out just us girls!

We went to see Wicked at the Keller Auditorium. Across from the building is this gorgeous fountain. We decided to take advantage of the clear weather and take some pictures.
I really did enjoy the show! It was fun to see Glenda (the gu is silent (: ) and the "wicked" witch, from that point of view! The production itself was amazing...the acting was great...and all in all, I enjoyed myself! However, I will still give my sister a hard time about her obsession...that's what I do!