Monday, December 29, 2008

Setting Myself Up....

I was just reading one of my best friends blog. She is dedicating her blog to her weight loss journey. Kudos to you my lady friend!

For me, I knew my weight was getting ridiculous when people would ask me when I was due or if I was pregnant. I could never think of anything clever to say at the time. I've thought afterward that I should have said, ", I'm not pregnant, just fat. Thanks for noticing"...or..."I'm due for another bowl of ice cream in about 10 minutes". But when my son Charlie rubbed my belly and asked me if I was growing a cute little baby in there...I was done! I am going to take my friends challenge of losing weight with her. I have of coarse attempted this many times. I'm not sure what is going to make this time any different, but it's got to happen. I know I am completely setting myself up here, but I've got nothing to lose....oh wait...I just made a funny...I have lots of lbs to lose...

It is perfectly okay to be frightened by the pictures you see below. The picture on the right was taken in about 1996. My good friend Tassie had bought this shirt for me. We had seen it in the window of some store at the mall. We thought it was so funny. I would love to get my body back to that again, but I am not delusional. The pic on the left was taken in November. I am wearing that sweatshirt in almost every picture of myself this past year. The bigger and bulkier things are, the more comfortable I am in them. Notice that even though about 12 years has passed between these photos, I still can't be serious for a picture. Anyway, I hope to find a happy medium between these two girls.

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Heidi said...

You go girl:) I'm doing the challenge also. Let's all work together and then plan a really fun girls night or weekend.
Good luck!

Heather said...

I love you Rachelle, seriously we can do this. I don't want you to think you will fail at this. I have to be positive and have the right goals set like lose 5 pounds and then 5 more instead of saying I have to lose 40 pounds in 2 days. Then I would fail. I totally think we should all set a goal date and even if we are not at ideal weight we need a whole day worth of pampering. I say pedicures and shopping :) love you long time~

Super Cooper said...

Good job Shelley!!! I need to get busy too. Let me know if you find any good ideas.

Unknown said...

Hey Chell,
Ok-a teacher at the kids school lost 40 lbs in about 6 mo. I asked her what she did, here it is-I tried it for a week and lost a lb a day-I was also working out at the gym 3 days a week-about 40 min on the Elyptical (sp?) anyway: Low carbs and no sugar-it's not as hard as it sounds if you are busy and don't snack during the day.That is my hardest thing! I love cheetos!
Breakfast: 1 boiled egg and 1 water bottle with crystal light
Lunch: salad of any kind, but no carbs (croutons)
Snack, any nuts, and a diet soda if you want
Dinner, whatever salad, meat, cheese, small amount of carbs-I actually found it easier to eat my carbs in the morning, then I felt I was using them throughout the day-try it for three days, see if it makes a diff-I am starting again tomorrow!

Jake said...

"I believe the children are the future, teach them well and let them lead the way."

Not really sure if this applies, but it sure does motivate me.